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Killdeer,-- A precocious little bird who runs into new experiences with its eyes wide open. One who gets along with those who are different and takes advantage of the opportunities these encounters provide. When you approach an adult the killdeer it may suddenly develop a broken wing. It struggles in front of you, as if it can barely walk, let alone fly. One or both wings drag pitifully on the ground. Somehow, while struggling to keep its balance, the killdeer manages to stay one step ahead of you. As you pursue it, the killdeer leads you farther and farther away from its downy killdeer babies crouching on the ground or half hidden under a tiny bush. When the killdeer feels that the young are safe from you, its broken wing heals suddenly, and the bird flies away, calling a loud "KILL-DEE" that sounds like a jeer.

Kingbird -- Love of open spaces, defense of environment, tenacity, fearlessness, balanced vision

Kingfisher,-- Ability to express oneself in a clear and concise manner, past life connections relating to the misuse of the ego

Kite -- Graceful and buoyant, responding with grace and gentleness, mediumship and a connection to the underworld, learning how to breathe to open psychic awareness. Kite will bring about truths and wisdom while keeping the watery emotions in balance and will teach how to skim the surface of knowledge to collect what you need for the moment. Observe carefully what is around you as resources will appear.

Mississippi Kite -- Being able to bring great darkness into the light, being unafraid to fly, caring for and helping others, wind energy, being a spiritual messenger, all spiritual messages, inner and outer grace, a connection to death, the shadows and the underworld.

Kiwi -- Connection to the ancient wisdom of the Maori, ability to scratch out the truth, understanding earth changes

Kookaburra -- A disarming laugh that is used to deceive, diving headlong into situations, a need to live as close to water as possible

Lapwing --,Its name derives from its wavering flight. The lapwings meaning is disguise is the secret. The Greek proverb; more deceitful than a lapwing meant an artful beggar and this comes from the artful way in which the lapwing adapts its behavior to differing threats from differing predators combining illusion and discernment. It knows how to work a situation to its best advantage. Another interesting part of the spiritual myth of the lapwing is its connection to the goddess Ostara and the Easter Bunny. The myth goes that Ostara changed a lapwing into a hare to be her animal totem. (In the spring, the lapwing nests on the ground and hares have been known to sit in these nests therefore looking like they are hatching eggs.)

Lark,-- The mystery of sound, the power of voice, being awakened to your sacred song

Loon,-- Awakening of the imagination, the ability to separate the real from the unreal in the search for the truth, a haunting call that speaks of your dreams and wishes, pay attention to your dreams.

Lyrebird --,A timid, shy and solitary figure. Mixing a voice of its own with the voices of others. Songs and stories of long ago. Genetic memory stored in the DNA. (Appears on the Australian 10 cent piece.)

Magpie -- The Cunning Prophet. Occult knowledge, can open the door to the Spirit World, use of everyday ritual, jack of all trades and master of none, witch's familiar. The Magpie is common in European folklore and superstition. Generally speaking, the bird is associated with unhappiness and trouble. This may be because of its well known tendency to "steal" shiny objects, as well as its harsh, chattering call.

Australian Magpie -- Spiritual custodian of cultural rule and law. Home protection. Making new friends. Gossip. Attacking people behind their back. Paranoia. The beauty of song. Aggressive territoriality. Attack.
Malleefowl -- Parenting. Going to great lengths for your children. Incubation. Going within. Patience. Caring for what you create. Nesting. Giving Your Creations Freedom. Knowing the inner earth. Trusting your instincts and intuition.

Martin -- Cooperation, peace seeker, team work and community action, accepting dinner invitations

Meadowlark -- Cheerful journey inward, sublimation, imagination, courageous, going inward for answers

Megapode -- Born of the heat of the volcanic furnace. Springing forth, Athena like, fully grown.  Mound builders who incubate their eggs buried in the ground. The association of the birds hatching from the volcanic soil has caused local natives of the South Pacific to see these birds more as evil spirits than totems.

Mockingbird,-- Finding your sacred songs and learning your life's purpose, recognition of your innate abilities, overcoming fear, learning through experience,exposing those people and,things that canhurt you, ("To Kill A Mockingbird",is to take away the innocence of a child)

Murre -- Dive deep for answers, cold weather activities, no fixed abode

Mynah -- Prolific talker and mimic, ability to learn a new language, traveling with large groups, an aristocratic pet

Nightingale -- Soft tempered, good speaker, smooth movement and voice, keeper of the night. When a nightingale appears it is there to teach you the healing power of song and to move through fear and shadow with grace.

Nutcracker -- Cracking open the outer shell in order to find what is hidden inside. Life tied directly to diet, willing to travel long distances, stay at home dad, yearning for the pine forests

Nuthatch -- Grounding of faith and higher wisdom. You need to crack something open to get at the truth.

Oriole,-- Ability to see how life is woven together, connection to tree spirits, ability to connect others to the fairy realm. Oriole is the symbol of approaching summer or sunshine, usually within a two-week period. An Oriole totem reflects this symbolism bringing sunshine (or positive changes) to your life and/or current projects.

Osprey,-- The osprey is connected to all aspects of solar worship. Osprey teaches how to plunder our resources and the necessity to move outside of our comfort zones in order to do this. Osprey teaches us to take risks, and to not be frightened of grasping opportunities just because they seem like they're out of our reach. Keen sight in seeing through illusions, freedom of spirit, connection to the Moon, understanding weather especially lightning

Ostrich,-- Learning how to use knowledge in a non-threatening way, become less visible, outrunning adversaries, avoidance and denial

Owl -- The owl is ruler of the night and seer of souls. The owl is honored as the keeper of spirits who had passed from one plane to another. Often myth indicates the owl accompanying a spirit to the underworld; winging it's newly freed soul from the physical world into the realm of spirit. Bringer of wisdom, revealer of secrets and omens, intuition and clairvoyance. Brings clarity and illumination to dreams, (Moon magick). The "night eagle", seeing and hearing that which others cannot. Be aware of omens and portents for the owl brings the power to extract secrets,out of the,darkness. Native American Totem Animal for "Sagittarius". ('Lilith', who was the first wife of Adam in the Garden of Eden and in Christian lore was said to be the first witch, is often depicted as appearing in the form of a screech owl or with screech owls as familiars. The owl is also the familiar of goddess'Athena')

Barn Owl,-- Knowledge coming from intense scrutiny that is kept for information and not,directly used. Connection to house spirits. Mediumship.
Burrowing Owl, -- Little bird with big ambitions, likes the daylight, stay grounded while working with spirits
Great Horned Owl, - Messenger that announces new cycles often through clairvoyance. Can readily adapt to change. The Great Horned Owl represents the Moon and the Red-Tailed Hawk the Sun
Screech Owl -- Creatures of the night who go about unseen. Bravery and ferociousness. Fiercely independent but,works well with others. Differing regional accents. Totem animal of 'Lilith'
Short-Eared Owl,-- (Evening or Marsh Owl) -- Keeper of the flame and the light of inspiration. Keep your ear to the ground and be ready to take advantageof being in the right place at the right time.
Snowy Owl,-- Carries wisdom from the Elders and inspires through the written word. Save your strength for the proper moment and be ready to act.
Spotted Owl -- Threatening in appearance but not meaning to harm. Very sensitive to changes in temperature.,Makes and receives a lot of calls. Use of voice for effect.
Oxpecker -- Riding through life, perching on other's ideas, flying straight and landing solidly

Oystercatcher -- Large, conspicuous, and noisy. A time to realize that portions of you are being suppressed. (Christian legend says that the oystercatcher once hid Jesus in a time of danger and was rewarded by being given the mark of the cross on its back.) A need to protect children from being taken. A selfless act of concealment.

Parakeet --(see under 'Parrot')

Parrot,-- A bird of the sun and its bright colors and sunshine aspect are what gives it its magic. It is a teacher of the power of light and colors and its feathers can be used for healing and to invoke the energies of the Sun. Some parrots have been taught to mimic human speech and can, on one hand be linked to learning language. On the other hand a parrot can be a sign of insincerity; speaking another's words without meaning them. When Parrot appears, look to your left.

Budgerigar (Budgie),-- A nomad who flies off to wherever it feels like, female jealousy and fighting (Translated roughly, from the Australian Aborigine word for "good to eat".)
Cockatiel -- Goddess of New Holland", hissing when threatened or frightened, need to find out the source of fear and do away with it , needs games and toys or may go as "crazy as a loon
Cockatoo -- Rain Magic. Travel. Joy. Crying with Joy. Emotional Freedom. Spiritual Freedom. Finding Spiritual Truths. Your Inner Fire. Creativity. The Muse. Inner Beauty. Inner and Outer Wealth. Preserving What You Care For.
Macaw,-- Language, mockery, bringer of rain
Parakeet --,Ability to change direction suddenly, imitation, trust, assists with goals within the community. (Horned Parakeet / Olive-Headed Parakeet / Plum-Headed Parakeet
Partridge -- A human spirit that has come to live on Earth as animal in order to serve the Goddess.,,(In the Greek myth of 'Perdix', who was one of the sacred children of 'Athene', Perdix was thrown from a tower to the sea. He was saved by the Goddess and carried to heaven in the form of a bird. "Perdix was the partridge and Athene was the pear tree.")

Peacock,-- Universal symbol of resurrection. The ability to see the connection between the past, the present and the future and its loud and raucous call, almost like laughter, reminds us to laugh at life. The peacock's feather in all ages has been considered as a sign of beauty and knowledge; beauty because it is beautiful, knowledge because it is in the form of,the all seeing eyes of the goddess 'Hera'.

Pelican,-- Overcoming troubles, rising above emotional turmoil, recovering from loss, sharing abundance with others, forgiveness, letting go of your judgments

Penguin,-- Lucid dreaming and the ability to alter the course of those dreams, out of body experiences and astral projection, leaping from the land (the conscious) into the water (the unconscious), the knowledge of the female within the male

Fairy Penguin (Little Blue Penguin) -- The littlest one in the family. Know that you can overcome any limitation by adopting a resolute mindset. Be careful crossing the street.
Pheasant,--,A hardy bird that symbolizes warning and concealment. It teaches about fertility and sexuality as symbolized by its tail plumes. The pheasant feeds on grains and grasses and anyone with pheasant energy benefits by incorporating more grains into their diet.

Golden Pheasant -- Preferring to hide one's beauty, the understanding of trees and their wisdom, taking refuge away from others, personality and presence that fades under the spotlight, avoidance of prestige and glamour, understanding the cold and lonely places, being exploited for your beauty, elusiveness, hiding your true nature.
Phoebe -- Heightening the powers of observation in the stillness within. Finding the balance between masculine and feminine energies; in the power and strength of the sacred feminine as well as the male and create a more solid foundation to build upon. Dont let the flies land on you.

Pigeon,-- Return to the security of home, use of senses to navigate life in a balanced way

Plover -- A shore dweller that likes to vacation inland. One who exhibits extremely flexible behavior when encountering difficulty and intruders that come into its life. One who will seem to walk away from a threatening situation, but turns back at the first opportunity. Taking long non-stop trips to get where you need to be. The plover call to us in desolate places to experience the wilderness, the wild and raw side of Nature. They also represent the wilderness and solitude within, where for some lurk so many of their fears.

Prairie-Chicken -- (see under 'Grouse')

Puffin -- Graceful in the water, clumsy on land and in the air, out of water there is difficulty finding equilibrium in life, using body language to convey messages, throwing tantrums when upset. The appearance of the Puffin signals a time for prayer.

Quail -- Living close to the Earth, group nourishment and protection. Seeing danger and finding peaceful alternatives. Having courage in times of hardship. (Quails have an intricate system of communication, and much of is revolves around avoiding danger. Quails have an uncanny sense of their surroundings, and are masters at eluding predators. They stay grounded, preferring the comfort of tall grasses over open skies. This reminds us to keep ourselves protected.) When Quail comes to call, be smart, communicate your hesitation clearly and be mindful to stay out of harm's way.

Bobwhite (Virginia Quail) -- Social pairing, time to protect your secrets

Rail Bird / Rallidae -- (also: Crakes, Coots, and Gallinules) -- An evil or mischievous spirit thatseems almost invisible in its elusiveness. Its call is heard, but rarely is it seen

Raven --,The Keeper of Secrets. Guide to the unknown and the teacher of the mystic, the raven goes into the darkness to return with the light. Raven chooses its students according to their knowledge and stays only as long as needed to impart its lesson and return them to the light. Raven is the bearer of magic and mysticism. They mimic and use the calls of other species and can teach how to understand animal language. The raven is a shape shifter and can assist in shifting consciousness into various dimensional realms. When the raven appears prophecy shall be fulfilled. ,Morrigan the Celtic Warrior Goddess appears in battle in the guise of the raven and will not be driven quietly back into the darkness.

From an anthropological standpoint the Raven is an interesting symbol in that it demonstrates the differences sometimes found between tribal groups and their interpretations of a spirit animal's appearance. Within the traditions of North American folklore the Raven is the creature who brought light into the World and its appearance is welcomed as a symbol of new life. However, in British folklore the Raven is seen as the harbinger of the Black Plague and a symbol of impending doom. The British mythology comes out of the mistaken perception that the Raven appeared before the arrival of the plague and,heralded the coming of death. In actuality, the Raven appeared after the plague had already struck, as a natural scavenger, to feed upon the unburied corpses. This is a misrepresentation arising from the transposition of the order of events in the early oral recounting of the story, but one should be forewarned that if you come from a background of North American mythology and you try to offer your Raven Spirit message to someone with a cultural reference from the British folklore, the mention of the Raven may cause them to mistakenly believe it foreshadows death looming on the horizon.
Redbird -- (see: 'Cardinal')

Road Runner -- Speed and agility, stimulate the mind, act quickly to avoid danger, understanding rapid change, always thinking how to get what it wants, proper use of running

Robin,-- Time of new growth, creative ideas, happiness, the wisdom of change, the throat chakra, divine sacrifice and rebirth (In Medieval Europe the robin was often depicted attending the Christ child.) The Robin will reveal your true path at the time you are ready to move forward.

American Robin -- Changing luck and fortunes (for yourself and others), tomorrow is a new day, musicality, connecting to others through song, voice and words, constantly moving forward, bringing new growth into your life, finding beginnings more often than endings, being a pioneer, connections to disease and illness, lessons connected to coming in first place, learning how to spring forward.
Red-Capped Robin -- The best and brightest, wariness, setting boundaries with other people, inflexibility, faring better in more open environments, preferring to stay away from the hustle and bustle, needing quieter spaces, staying grounded.

Rooster -- Roosters are considered sacred symbols in Japan, calling Shinto followers to prayer with its morning crow at dawn. The Rooster is considered a time-keeper and is a sign of time passing in our lives. Hearing a Rooster's voice may indicate we need a wake-up call, and need to pay attention to some circumstances in our lives. A solar symbol, symbol of sexuality, vain, likes gifts and attention, rising to meet the Sun, drives off evil spirits of the darkness

Seagull -- (see under: 'Gull')

Shrike -- (see: 'Butcher Bird')

Snowbird -- Manners and etiquette, hopping and leaping, aloof but not stand-offish, small families, eating left-overs

Sparrow,-- A common visitor, a love of old buildings, the triumph of common nobility, symbol of peasants and the common people. If a Sparrow totem has entered your life, ask yourself if you know your own self-worth. The sparrow will show you that even a common little bird can triumph.

Spoonbill -- Sweeping obstacles out of ones way, shyness, wariness, silence, protection from communal living

Starling -- Ability to control mobs, imitation, adaptability, mental receptivity. Starling teaches lessons of group etiquette, social standing an family relations and how you appear to the world in those relationships.

Stork -- The stork carries feminine or mothering energies. When the stork appears a birth or rebirth will soon happen and/or you may need to reconnect to your roots . Creation, birth, new beginnings, unspoken communication, dance, protection of the young

Swallow,-- Protection and warmth for the home,,proper perspective, communal life, connection to thunderstorms, (little cousin to the Thunderbird [see: Mythic Animal Spirits / Thunderbird])

Swan,-- A time of new states of awareness, ancient songs of true beauty and eternal mystery, powerful and graceful, seeing and accepting the future and going with your feelings, life partnership

Black Swan-- Love, romance and monogamy. Partnership. Equality. Compassion. Tenderness. Protecting your loved ones. Enjoying the presence of others. Folklore and fairytale. Love stories. Invoking happiness in yourself and others. Spiritual love and freedom. The joy and freedom in serving another. (Black Swan Theory -- An event or occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and that illustrates a severe limitation to our learning from observations or experience and the fragility of our knowledge. The term popularized by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.in his book "The Black Swan".suggests that upon observing 100 swans the norm is to fixate on the one black swan (the black swan event) to the exclusion of the ninety-nine other white swans. Taleb goes on the say that "9/11" was a "black swan event" in that its effect was to cause a fixation on the 1% of the time that there is a security threat to the exclusion of the other 99% of the time when there is no threat. Converesly Taleb suggests, had an individual on the day before "9/11" instituted a security policy that prevented the attack the actions of that individual (a white swan) would have gone unnoticed.as.there would have been no "black swan event" to bring the matter to attention. Therefore, "the hero who prevented 9/11 and changed the course of history" would never be recognized as having done so.)
Swift -- Speed and agility, journeying in the "Great Quest", responding to opportunities as they arise

Swisher -- Living in the "Between Time" (dawn/dusk), awakening to the fairy realm

Tanager -- (A species of songbirds of the southern forests consisting of over 240 varieties which often cross over into other species.) Traveling by night and catching meals on the fly. Riparian entertainment of a beautiful male song. A convoluted family tree.

Blue-Grey Tanager (Blue Jean) -- Restless, noisy and twittering away life.
Hepatic Tanager -- One who no longer associates with their family or group. Now considered,more related,to the cardinal family.
Scarlet Tanager -- A harsh message must be heard
Summer Tanager -- (The only entirely red bird in North America.) Add color to your life and remember that everything you do is of importance.
Western Tanager (Coffee Bird) -- Maintain a secure,,food-filled home and the coffee tastes better too.
Yellow-Winged Tanager -- Listen to a higher calling
Tern -- Enjoying all the comforts of Nature, refreshment on the fly,drinking of the local waters, screaming to get the point across

Thrush / Thrasher -- Coincidences and synchronicities will expand your spirituality in a profound way. Be alert to what may be hidden under the surface. A fierce protector of the environment.

Titmouse -- Fearless attitude, powerful voice, control of ego, not letting praise go to your head

Toucan -- Sharp tongued individual, a vast repertoire of sounds,,a need to tone down speech, knowing what to say and when to say it, either heard loud and clear or completely misunderstood

Towhee -- Makes noise until it gets attention, shabby, red-eyed, speaking with a southern accent

Turkey,(Wild Turkey) -- A symbol of sacrifice and a giver of life. Native American peoples saw the turkey as a sacred bird because their great abundance provided a source of good meat. It gives its life so others may live. The turkey symbolizes the harvest bounty and honoring of the Earth Mother. Wild turkeys were almost eliminated because they were taken for granted and the turkey teaches a need to remember that nothing is an endless resource and that all gifts that come from the Great Spirit must be honored. When 3 turkeys cross your path a strange and eerie encounter lies ahead.

Today's domestic turkeys are not the,birds of the Native American peoples. While wild turkeys can fly for short distances, farm raised turkeys are bred to be so stout that they cannot fly. Domesticated turkeys have been genetically altered to grow twice as fast and twice as large, as their ancestors. Although this rapid growth poses a serious threat to the animal's health and welfare, the turkey industry continues pushing to grow bigger birds. Respiratory ailments and influenza are responsible for almost half of,the deaths of turkeys who don't make it to slaughter. Turkeys are debeaked by slicing off,one third of the beak with a red hot blade when the bird is about five days old. After 4 months, turkeys,have reached the right size,and are sent to the slaughterhouse.
Vulture,-- Symbol of death and rebirth, new vision, new beginning, and purification of mind and body. The vulture asks us to be patient with ourselves, and think things through. They encourage us to be quite sure of how we feel before we enter the arena of our plans and this symbolism is underscored by the magnificent level of patience the vulture exhibits. Being noticed more for what you do than how you look, soaring above the difficulties of life, associated with the sense of smell (aromatherapy).

Black Vulture,-- Time of transformation is approaching
Turkey Vulture,(Buzzard) -- Getting the blame by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, vomiting when stressed, diarrhea when things get too hot to handle
Warbler -- Characteristic regional manner, a distinctive voice,,pecks at its food, vagrancy

Wattlebird -- A shaman in disguise, drawn to the unusual, ventriloquist and mimic,,speaking will either set you free or imprison you, stand your ground and speak the truth

Waxwing -- Gentleness and courtesy, polite and sociable,,ability to see from all perspectives and change as needed, surefooted, foster parent, a diet,of fruit, without a song to sing

Weaver Bird --,(The Weavers are named for their highly complex woven nests) An innate talent as a street performer. Will come to a call from a long distance. Using artificial light to enhance the environment.

Whippoorwill -- Whippoorwill's nocturnal nature teaches the art of night time movements and camouflage. The art of invisibility may be utilized when he appears. Heightened senses may be activated at twilight, dawn with special emphasis on moonlit nights. It is time to adjust your cycle to correspond to the lunar one. Pay attention to the cycles and themes you are experiencing around the moon phases. It is time to listen to sounds in the spiritual realm and in your surroundings. Whippoorwill shows how to adapt to this new phase.

Willie Wagtail -- Extroversion. Cheerfulness and gregariousness. Anger and irritability. Friendliness. Curiosity. Socializing. Appealing to others. Effectively maintaining your space and home.

Woodpecker,-- The drummer of the forest, shamans ride the drumbeats of the Woodpecker's rhythm into other dimension of space and time. Woodpecker holds the power of rhythm and discrimination, listen to your inner rhythms and heed what they tell you. The woodpecker pecks away at deception and when you hear the woodpecker knocking, the truth will be revealed. Native American Totem Animal for the Astrological Sign "Cancer"

Sapsucker -- Digging for hidden nourishment in two different ways, intuition, rhythm, being resourceful without depleting
Wren,-- The wren brings a message of going beyond the realm of the known and to pursue the adventure that awaits there. Resourcefulness and boldness. Medicine for the environment and for the healing of sibling relationships

Fairy Wren-- Infidelity and promiscuity. Not staying loyal to people or projects. Assessing many different options. Canvassing. Unable to focus on one thing at a time. Carnality. Lust. Moving on.

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