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Water Animal Spirits

Water Spirit Animals help us reveal and identify our hidden thoughts or actions.  The subconscious mind is associated with water. Water Spirit Animals are linked to Spirituality and the elements of the unknown. They can reveal hidden fears and deepest desires.

Angel Fish,-- Understanding beauty as popularity and protection, effective use of color, ability to live within diverse situations, connection to reefs

Abalone -- A rare prize, the need for fresh air, influenced by the stars

Barnacle -- Once attached it is difficult to remove, will slow you down and impede your progress, a group glued to its position, getting into a sticky situation

Barracuda -- Make your own way in life, follow your own path

Brittle Star,,(Basket Star) -- These starfish like creatures maneuver delicately and successfully in any situation. This creature is very agile and extremely strong. Brittle Star has amazing regenerative properties with an indication of coming back stronger and more abundant, though it can mean that something in your life may take a year to regenerate, but when it does, it will be better and more abundant. Brittle stars in shallow seas tend to avoid light and prefer to hide in dark crevices, becoming more active at night, or they inhabit the,ocean depths where it is always dark. It is a time to keep intuitions sharp and your outer "shell" hard while avoiding the light until your time comes.

Carp,-- Youth, bravery, endurance, strength, self-defense, prosperity, often an immigrant in foreign waters

Golden Carp -- Tenacity, radiant presence, perseverance, longevity, higher consciousness and spiritual understanding
Goldfish -- Prosperity, beauty, harmony, balance of mind and emotion. Goldfish will help you look for new opportunities and aid you in taking advantage of them.
Koi,-- "Living jewel". The Japanese recognized these fish not just for their beauty, but for their ability to transport the observer into other worldly states of perception. These altered states of perception ultimately lead to the attraction of higher energy and carries one into other worldly states of perception and its transports one to lands of fantasy
Catfish,-- Need to separate out what benefits and discard what does not, a greater sensitivity to the spoken and written word, if in a bad place you should walk home

Chiton (Moccasin Shell) -- The armadillo of the sea, night life, knowing the usefulness of creating a vacuum, when uneasy crawl under a rock

Clam -- Ability to mine energy that lives within the Earth (bacterial symbiosis), digging deep to find mutually beneficial relationships, going within for answers. Getting around a lot more than others think you do. A good food source of B-12 and Iron and a unique way of life for those who harvest them. ("Happy as a clam" The derivation of the saying comes from the fuller version of the phrase, now rarely heard, As happy as a clam at high water'. Hide tide is when clams are free from the attentions of predators; surely the happiest of times in the clam world.)

Clown Fish -- Ability to hide within dangerous situations, use of beauty as camouflage, ability to move as your enemies move, transmutation of poison

Conch -- (In Buddhism the conch is a symbol which proclaims the truth of the,dharma. It stands for the fame of the Buddha's teaching, which spreads in all directions like the sound of the conch trumpet. Shells which spiral to the right in a clockwise direction are a rarity and are considered especially sacred.) Calling together the religious

Cone Shell -- Finding solutions to illness. Toxic situations and toxic memories. Inability to escape the past. Confronting past issues to find relief. Being forced to reconnect. Finding your way back to spirit. Don't ignore what hurts you. Feeling pain to relieve pain.

Coral -- The right timing. Release. Knowing inner and outer rhythms. Creating your world and the world of others. A solid foundation. Primal structure and support. Trust in where life is taking you. Universal trust.

Crab,-- Symbol of the Moon. Emotional intensity and powerful intuition that ebb and flow with the tides. The appearance of the crab is a call to examine issues of sensitivity and to find an outlet for emotional release. The crab needs all of its senses to survive, using everything and unwilling to discard anything. They are able to resist changes and flourish in hostile environments. The lesson of being able to change focus and to walk and run sideways in order to confuse enemies.

Crayfish -- Moving forward in spite of fears, if in encountering danger or trouble by moving forward it can move back and out of trouble

Cuttlefish -- Master of disguise, attacking from ambush, sneaking up from behind

Dolphin -- [Do not confuse with the 'Porpoise'] -- Inner sounds that can create outer manifestations. Living in tune with the patterns and rhythm of nature. Using the power of breathing as an emotional release of anger and pain. Swimming freely and goingalong with your feelings. (Contrary to its popular "Flipper" image, the dolphin can be aggressive and,violent. Out of 48 harbor porpoises stranded on the Welsh coast in 2004, 28 animals were found to have died from,attacks by bottlenose dolphins.)

Association with 'Tuna'--"Danger of getting caught up in others troubles"
Dugong,-- (A large marine mammal that spends its life in the sea), Moving forward into a wide range of possibilities, achieving wisdom. (seen also: Mermaid)

Eel -- Great transformation through the electric and creative life force of the kundalini. A shape shifter who is not easy to catch ("slippery as an eel"). A connection to spirits of the rivers and lakes. Finding new ways to adapt and defend yourself whenever you need away to fight, in doing so some eels will,taser you.

Sea Eel,-- Male sexuality, ability to watch unseen, escape when threatened, electricity, awakening of the Kundalini Energy, a great spiritual transformation, a life at sea
Moray Eel -- Observation, watching for opportunities, unusual partnerships and on-again-off-again relationships
Fish,,(general) -- Swimming the currents of life, balance between mind and emotion, immersion in the Cosmic Sea, symbol of the womb and the primordial life force, the subconscious mind, that which cannot be seen but is certainly there

Flounder -- An incredible transformation. (Changing from a normal appearing fish at birth to a round, flat fish in adulthood) Blending so well with the surroundings that they are hard to see, drifting along in the emotional waters

Goldfish -- (see under "Carp")

Grouper (Groper) -- The dominant predatory fish on many coral reefs, groupers are a unique totem due to their reproductive behaviors, having a complex social system that leads them to change sex from female to male. The grouper is a Crying Game sort of spirit animal. It may carry with it a message of adolescent sexual confusion or transgender identification.

Grunion -- Leaving your natural environment in order to express your creativity.,(Grunion come out of the water completely on certain nights,in order to lay their eggs on the beach.)

Hermit Crab -- Freedom loving, can live anywhere, rapid change, mobility, comfort in the darkness

Herring -- A streamlined look, a flashy appearance can draw unwanted attention, serving as cover for others, a shallow and rather oily individual, mouth always open, unpleasant smoke odor

Horseshoe Crab -- Living fossil, connection to early life on Earth, ability to maintain balance, proper use of armor

Jellyfish,-- Acceptance and faith, sensitivity to water energy (emotions), understanding of the value of floating rather than swimming through trying emotional times, ability to become untangled from the webs of peril in life, what is needed will be provided, a nasty sting

Koi -- (see under "Carp")

Limpet --,Pay close attention to your feelings and inner knowings. The limpet teaches flexibility and completion of endeavors along with balancing emotions and equalizing one's duality. Slowing down will bring balance and harmony and restore peace within. Aids in discerning which attachment is the most correct one for you. Limpet guides you home again to a safe secure atmosphere, your own unique place of being connected and grounded.

Lobster,-- Concentration, coordination, ability to transcend the mind/ego, regeneration to restore what is lost, handiness

Manatee (Sea Cow) -- Gentle and loving. Childlike and playful. Power in the sadness of the eyes with a face only a mother could love. Moving slowly and gracefully to get you there faster. Control of elements and thought, open to new experiences and new relationships. Using your appetites for Good. A need to watch for oncoming traffic.

Manta Ray -- Ability to swim slowly through emotional waters, positive use of size, understanding differences

Marlin,-- Ability to shake off negative energy, freedom fighter, ability to pierce the shell of an enemy. grand entrances, tenacity

Minnow -- Power of group protection, connection to youth, understanding peer issues, issues related to size, maintaining the self within the group

Mussel -- Clumping together, metamorphosis, attachment, use of minerals

Nautilus,-- Symbol of beauty and proportional perfection, sacred geometry, architecture, knowing when spaces are alive with energy or dead and empty. The study of fractal geometry.

Octopus,-- Multifaceted, skilled in many things, proper use of smoke screens (ink) in evading enemies, destroying negative barriers

Oyster -- Precious, filter out life's static, knows when it is time to close things to save on energy, sensitive to environment, protection.

Periwinkle -- Can survive in a tiny puddle, differing colors depending on the environment, migrating up and down with the flow of the tide

Piranha -- Service to the river and the life within it, savagery, tearing apart enemies, understanding the power of groups, ability to totally consume (use) what is given to you

Porpoise -- [Do not confuse with the'Dolphin'] -- Bearer of wisdom, the power of breath and sound, harbinger of good fortune,,rarely going along with the group. The Legend of the Porpoise says that if you pray to see your true gift revealed a "dream porpoise" will deliver it.

Pufferfish -- Defense through inducing fear in ones enemy, changing size to deter, transmutation of poison, power to induce a death-like state

Remora,(Suckerfish) -- Cannot,live in calm waters, being unable to focus, stoic sufferer,( It is not a parasite, but it will attach itself to a host animal, such as a shark. In Medieval lore it was called Echeneis and was said to attach itself to ships to slow them down.)Others holding you back in your attempts to get ahead

Salmon,-- Determined, persistent, strength through desire, value of returning home, a transforming spiritual journey. Native American Totem Animal for "Leo"

Sand Dollar -- Freely developing childhood, living partially hidden, the money of the mermaids

Scallop -- The scallop resembles the setting sun and symbolizes a Celtic death journey westwards towards the setting sun. In medieval Europe, the scallop was considered an embodiment of the spirit; further, the scallop shell itself was the badge of pilgrims. It is an omen of fertility and a symbol of Aphrodite.

Scorpionfish -- Warning. Feeling cornered and cornering others. Finding yourself in a tight spot.,Finding beauty threatening or harmful.

Sea Anemone,-- The flower of the sea,,but this rose has sharp thorns. Appearing as one thing and being another, many sizes and many colors. Unusual symbiotic relationships. Do not make assumptions and be aware of hidden dangers

Sea Dragon -- Placidity. Currents. Gentle movement. Free-flowing. Gentle masculinity. Paternity. Going with the flow. Shelter. The protective ocean. Reef magic. Dragon energy. The protective father. Using beauty and brightness as camouflage. Facade.

Seahorse,-- Male, graceful, a code of chivalry, can deal with emotions, courtship dancing, the only species where the male has the babies

Seal,-- Imagination is your playground. Delving into the sub-conscious and swimming in the emotional sea. At home in the emotional waters but needing to be grounded to express creativity.Go with the flow to discover hidden mysteries.

Elephant Seal -- Bold, gutsy vigor, an ability to make others feel uncomfortable, embracing discomfort as a way of challenging internally held thoughts and feelings, hiding your vulnerabilities, accepting assistance from others, using stones and gems in energy work, making a noise for what you believe in, using volume in arguments and debates, submitting to a stronger,force. 
Sea Lion,--,Not having a social structure away from family and children. Poorly defined boundaries. Needing physical touch to feel comfortable with others. Dominating with physical size and presence. Imaginative and,creative,,vivid dreams

Sea Slug -- Renewal through shedding ones outer skin, transmutation, protection through reputation, use of color to show how you feel. Sea Slug teaches the power of letting go of what is not needed. Slug will show when to move andwhen to rest. There is great power in this timing.

Nudibranch -- Teaches to smoothly move in emotional waters.Move in a slow and steady pace by grounding in attitudes and principles all the while taking small steps toward the goal. Listen to intuition and senses along with your dreams for they will aid you in the direction you should be going. Time to learn something non-traditional?
Sea Hare --Sea Hare follows intuition and instincts by an extremely heightened sense of "smell" so follow the faintest scent to discover the root cause. Sea Hare guides movement in the emotional world. Listen to your dreams. The color of Sea Hare is the color of what it eats, so pay attention to the color. Observe and incorporate its colors into your wardrobe and surroundings for connective energies.
Sea Snail -- Teaches flexibility and completion of endeavors along with balancing emotions and equalizing one's duality. Slowing down will bring balance and harmony and restore peace within. When snail comes to you it offers an opportunity to show a graceful balance in life is possible. Although stern and cold on the outside has a soft-hearted manner.

Sea Butterfly (Sea Angel) -- Swim freely in emotional waters, letting go and floating along with the currents of life. Listening to intuition that guides movement in the depths of the emotional world. Passivity but also being aggressive when needed. Nearly colorless,it shows how to utilize transparency, discernment, seeing through the core issue. Take opportunities to be around others as they will help uplift you in knowledge and wisdom.
Sea Snake -- Releases air bubbles (restrictions) when under water, camouflage, anonymity, keeper of family secrets,,water magick

Sea Turtle -- Representative of Mother Earth, ever returning to the Sea, bravery of the young, traveling long distances to,return to home and family, dedication to duty, reverence for life's cycles,,a long and dangerous journey to adulthood.  (Of the thousands and thousands of sea turtle hatchlings who take to the sea only a handful will survive to return to lay their eggs. It is a reminder of how few that set out on their spiritual journey will ever succeed in returning to the Cosmic Egg.) [see also 'Reptile Animal Spirits'/Turtle]

Shark,--,Survival by,instinct and acting without judgment. Sharks have a bad reputation as being dangerous, fearless and unpredictable. They can ignite a feeling of fear and terror in many people. If there is a situation that,needs to scared away the shark totem will help as the shark has the power to fend off negative elements. Having no swim bladder the shark can never stop swimming or,it would,sink to the bottom, so staying busy and active is important. The shark's sensitivity to electromagnetic currents is a call to develop and refine sensory ability in order to bring a greater connection with the spiritual realm. Studying aromatherapy would be beneficial to help develop hunting prowess.

Shrimp /Crawfish -- Do not to hide from your fears; try new things. They show us how to come out of our shells and serve as a reminder to come forth in spite of fears and to move forward.

Mantis Shrimp -- Reconciliation of Opposites. Seeing What is Hidden. Seeing Situations From All Facets. Remaining Earthed in Water.
Skate -- Use less mobility in your actions, be careful in planning new ventures

Sponge -- Absorption powers, effective movement of water and emotions, hermaphroditic characteristics

Squid -- Ability to read the moods of others, can read body language of those around them, uses light, color and form to communicate, blushes easily

Starfish,-- Regeneration, Moon magick, tidal movement, do things in your own way and follow your star

Crown-of-thorns Seastar -- Being overwhelmed and overwhelming others. Ignorance. Closed-mindedness. Surviving on little. A lack of love. No support. Supporting yourself through the hard times. Taking and never giving back. Taking others for granted.
Stingray -- Grace and elegance, cleansing and cleanliness, power through persistent movement

Sturgeon -- Determination, teaching, leadership, knowledge, depth

Sunfish,(Mola) -- Overwhelmed by freeloaders. Clumsy and staggering. Weight gain

Swordfish -- Vigorous, powerful fighters, ability to jump (breaching) to dislodge pests, loose associations

Trout -- Different appearances in different environments, cool clear emotional waters

Tuna,-- Physically altering,to fit ones environment, fast mover, danger of accumulating toxins in the system;

Association with 'dolphin' "Going along with other groups for protection"
Walrus,--A,loner who likes to be an individual, has little respect for others who are not of its own kind,using a fierce mask wisely, an opportunity to uncover something hidden

Whale,-- The whales lesson is to,learn to listen to,your inner voice and to be in touch with your own personal truths. Whale totem teaches how to awaken your inner creativity and how to create your personal song. Go deep within yourself to awaken your inner knowledge associated with voice, the use of psychic and telepathic abilities and all aspects of the Cosmic Sea. (The Record Keeper of Mother Earth)

Beluga,-- Extremely social, curious and playful touching, playing tag
Blue Whale -- The biggest fellow there ever was yet seen as,mouse like. Ability to communicate between cosmic realms and over vast distances. (If consuming dairy products use those made from organic whole milk and not low fat.)
Gray Whale -- An elaborate courtship of playing coy and stringing several along. Being extremely protective of children. (Check children for lice and other parasites.) Always vacationing in the same place.
Humpback,-- A famous singer and songwriter, enjoys acrobatics, prefers a smaller family, works well in group projects, a blowhard
Narwhal,,(a.k.a. "The Sea Unicorn") -- A whale with a long spiral tusk that the,medieval Europeans believed to be the horns from the unicorn. The tusks were used to make cups that were thought to negate any poison.) The ability to detect subtle changes in the environment in order to avoid becoming trapped,,able to break the ice, able to poke holes in false fronts.,The shape-shifting servant to the Sea Goddess.
Orca (Killer Whale) -- Creator of the Cosmos, breaking down the barriers of the human mind, obliterating the concept of good or evil, using the vibrational energy of song to heal, brings food and aid to a chief injured and helpless on the ice
Sperm Whale ("Moby Dick") -- The biggest brain and the deepest soul. Protection of the family group, easily approached and vulnerable when resting, warns with a loud slap. Going to extreme depths to find answers but only when you are mature enough. Slaughtered to oil the machinery of Man. Be warned that when you think you have overcome a foe it may,end,with you,being,the one taken you for a ride
Zebrafish -- Thriving in confined spaces, likes attention, the white mice of the fish world

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